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Old 03-18-2013, 01:13 PM   #9
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Default Lake Winni App is a No Brainer

I've used the Lake Winni app (which has the Bizer chart) for two seasons with my iPad 2 that has built in GPS (it is the 3G version) and its great. Search for some of my previous posts.

Unless you have the wifi only iPad, I think the external GLO is overkill. I've never had an issue with satellite reception and from what I can tell I get great accuracy. My old Garmin handheld would show the satellites connected and the accuracy but the charting was inferior.

If you have an iPhone you have a built-in backup as well. You buy the app once and use it on all your devices.

My iPad has a leather like case which I just prop up on my dashboard and it works OK. I really want to get this mount...
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