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Old 06-06-2013, 02:31 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by The Phantom Gourmand View Post
Those aren't mooring balls, they are large round fenders. They work great.
I have not seen the setup so I can only guess, if they are large mooring type balls at basically water level they would be fine for pontoons. For regular gelcoat clad boats-not so much.

A few years back I had our Monterey 298SS tied up in Gilford Yacht Club. Docks there are straight wooden tie posts. I had a few of the big bertha, or similar fenders tied around the lower post to fend off the boat if it bounced a bit so that the metal rub rail did not get trashed. In a very short span of time the boat rocking back and forth against the fender rubbed a perfect square on the side of the boat in the black gelcoat. After $500 in touchups I went with fender socks. Even with them you have to be careful. My boat was tied rather loosely, had it been tighter the damage would have been worse.
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