Originally Posted by NoBozo
I guess I am not sure if you are just venting in general... Or are targeting me. If the latter is the case..that's fine. Everyone has their opinions. I guess i just don't understand your paragraph above.  NB
Not even venting, NB. Or targeting you.
Over the years on the forum, I have seen more disrespect than I remember when I first came on board.
I guess what I was trying to say, and I did type and retype, and erase, and retype, is that, in my humble opinion (and I am not on a rant here either

), is that while we (all members of the Forum) may not agree on all things, we should be able to state our opinions and then move on... agree to disagree.
Too often opinions are picked apart as facts, instead of just accepting that our opinions may, and often do, differ from others.
Sorry if you felt that I was directing any criticism at you...not the case. Simply was offering an opinion as to why written communication may not be the easiest to read and understand nowadays.