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Old 11-02-2014, 07:04 AM   #20
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...says...I dunno about Deer Island but rite here on Meredith Neck ..... yesterday afternoon, Saturday, there was three older guys all decked out in camo head-to-toe with brite orange vests and hats and hunting rifles walking along the Meredith Neck Rd until one of them took a miss-step while avoiding a State of NH pothole and u-know he fell down into that deep pothole in the crumbly paved road there for about a minute until he was able to climb out of that deep, deep pot-hole in this un-numbered State road, the Meredith Neck Rd, and continue on his hunt for a deer.

There has been so many deers running around down there by the former Camp Monotomy that it should be pretty easy to find a deer to shoot..... but just be carefull and be sure to watch out for all those state potholes.....yikes! And, all the smarter deers have left for the swim across the water to nearby Bear Island becuz they know it's not legal to hunt on the's just the dumb deer are left for easy's it's time to go line up the sights and go squeeze off a Camp Monotomy, former girl scout camp, deer dead today buddy! What with all the potholes, and all the deers, this road is definately a slow-go ....... kaboom!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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