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Old 02-23-2015, 04:55 PM   #85
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Default Abatement

Originally Posted by Happy Gourmand View Post
Less than 75' from my property is a lot with a house on it. The town has assessed the LAND at $100,000. The lake is not easily seen from this lot. My lot, less that 75' away has a "view" of the lake, somewhat obstructed, but a view nonetheless. My little lot, land only, about the same size as the aformentioned lot is assessed by the Town of Meredith for $200,000.
View tax? You tell me.
I had a similar problem regarding my land in Gilford. I went to town hall and looked at the lot plans for other house lots on my street that were similar in size to check the value that the town had placed on them. It was roughly the same as mine. However, my land was much steeper and although there was 100 feet on the water on my land there is only 50 feet at the street. The other lots had 100 feet on the water and 100 feet at the street.

I was able to come up with 4 comps to illustrate my point. I applied for an abatement and pointed out that with a required 25 foot sideline setback, a large portion of my land was virtually unbuildable. I also pointed out that the other lots were closer to level than mine. They agreed and my assessed land value was dropped by about $100,000.

If you take the time to do the homework and present a reasonable argument (without arguing) the system works.
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