Originally Posted by ApS
This afternoon, not far from your location, my family and I saw not one—but two—Bald Eagles, less than 10 seconds apart, headed towards Johnson's Cove. A half-hour later, flying in the opposite direction, came a Golden Eagle!
The two Bald Eagles were young adults, with white head, white tails, and a few white feathers here and there. I'd seen a Golden Eagle earlier this season—remarkable as it appeared very dark in color. Today's Golden Eagle was lighter, and no white markings could be seen.
As a follow-up to a great bird-watching afternoon while walking through our undeveloped woods, I spooked about a dozen crows—who departed all at once!  Except for the sudden rushing sound of many beating wings, I wouldn't have noticed their presence.

I'm inclined to say that it was very unlikely you saw a Golden Eagle. They are extremely rare on the East Coast - typically only showing up during migration season in the fall. More than likely it was a juvie Bald Eagle. I have only heard of one instance in my time working at NH Audubon of anyone seeing a Golden Eagle in NH which was in the fall at a raptor migration watch, and was documented by a expert in bird identification... wish I had been there myself.