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Old 07-20-2015, 08:21 AM   #54
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The two things that I like about Trump are that he is not a career DC politician and he is not afraid to say what many think. With that said, he needs to learn how to rephrase his thoughts because they do not come out smooth enough. Republicans do not get a do over or a here is what I really meant chance. I would love to see a President who is not afraid of political correctness. There are many hard truths that need to be brought to the surface and dealt with. Though I'm not sure that America is ready to rip off the band-aid yet.

Our government is supposed to be by the people and for the people. We have allowed for it to become a government for those who can buy it. It is OUR fault. Vote them ALL out and start giving the regular folks a chance at representing us. That was the whole point in the first place, right?

Trump may not be the prime choice but NO more Clinton's or Bush's!!!!

Last edited by HomeWood; 07-20-2015 at 11:07 AM.
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