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Old 05-31-2016, 01:42 PM   #62
Dave R
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Originally Posted by SIKSUKR View Post
Having never boated outside of NH and hearing about how we should be like the rest of the country, I looked to find out what the marking system is on inland(lakes). All I can find are buoys that reference returning from sea/upstream and leaving which I'm well aware of. How does that relate to a lake? It doesn't. Can somebody show me what the typical marking system looks like on other state lakes and how an area is marked?

The old USWMS black port side channel markers are now GREEN can buoys.

The old USWMS red starboard side channel markers are now red NUN buoys.

The old USWMS red and white vertically striped buoys have been replaced by one of the following:
a red or green channel marker directing safe passage, an orange and white regulatory marker,
or a red and black isolated danger marker.

The old USWMS white buoys topped with black or red bands, have been replaced by one of the following: a red or green channel marker directing safe passage, an orange and white regulatory marker, or a red and black isolated danger marker.
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