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Old 06-14-2016, 09:14 PM   #1
Marine Patrol
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Default Marine Patrol Photo Contest

As many of you know, construction of the new Marine Patrol Building in Gilford is well on its way. As we approach move-in scheduled for early September, we are now selecting furnishings.

The building has several public areas(lobbies, conference room, and classroom) where the display of artwork/photos would be an excellent addition to the "boathouse" feel of the facility. That said, we need your help!

Marine Patrol is asking the forum community to submit their favorite photos depicting "Lake Life" for review. Boats, weather, sunsets, wet people, wet pets, wildlife, atop the water, under the surface, loons, ducks, boathouses, etc., are all eligible and may be selected for hanging on a wall in the new building.

We would ask that photos be sent as a jpeg, tiff, gif, or png extension and not exceed a file size 10mb(state email limitation). Your name, location of photo, and contact information (phone preferred) must be include with your submittal to be considered.

Staff will review entries and the winners will be contacted and asked to provide a high resolution file for enlargement and suitable framing. The prize is simply having your talent on display in our building with proper credit if you wish to have it posted.

Entries must be sent to Lt. Crystal McLain at or Capt. Tim Dunleavy at

We look forward to seeing your entries and thank you for your participation!

Safe Boating and Good Luck!!

Tim Dunleavy
Capt. Marine Patrol
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