Thread: It Passed!!!
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Old 02-02-2006, 08:47 PM   #21
Fat Jack
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Assuming this can make it through the senate, we will now be able to see what NHRBA really is. Will they continue to fight for NW zones, stricter noise limits, better boating law education (including education about the speed limits), helping with law enforcement (including enforcement of the speed limits), or will they fade into oblivion, thus proving that they were never anything more than a GFBL group formed for the sole purpose of protecting the freedom of a few to go really fast on our lakes.
The mark of real men is that they can admit when they are in the wrong. NH's citizens listened to all the issues and overwhelmingly decided that they want speed limits on the lakes they own, for whatever reason. The RR&D committee studied the issue intensely, dismissed the opposing arguments, and agreed that speed limits were warranted. The House studied and debated the issue passionately, dismissed the opposing arguments, and agreed that speed limits were warranted. At some point, those selfish few of you who could not care less what the people of NH want for their lakes have to finally admit that the rest of the world is not is you.
Like so many of us who have worked so hard, I'm just dreaming of the wonderful place Lake Winnipesaukee is going to go back to being in 2007, if this can just pass that one last hurdle. Of course, that dream assumes that we can also get a change in Glendale by leadership that wants the speed limit to be effective and will work to make it so.
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