Thread: Rental Agent
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Old 08-31-2016, 04:23 PM   #11
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Default Get referrals

It has been many years since I had a rental condo at the Weirs. I rented, weekly, mostly to people referred by the previous owner. I sold after two years because I didn't want to spend Saturdays cleaning and doing check in/out. No major tenant problems. Also rented the camp once for the month of July to somebody through an internal company computer bulletin board. No problem, but didn't want to give up the lake time again so that was a one-timer. Once to a co-worker for five days between weekends. Good experience.

So the important thing is knowing the tenant source and having references/referral. Try some self marketing between now and April through friends, family, co-workers. If it doesn't work, April is still lots of time for renting through an agent.

I think VRBO/Homeaway may have a method of screening repeat renters. New law in NH: if you use these you need to publish license number and pay room/meals tax. Use an agent and they collect/pay the tax for you. The agent does a lot of good things, but screening is the most important and the most difficult for them to do effectively. Renting long term is probably better than weekly.

Anybody know? When I go to a hotel, they take my credit card "for incidental expenses." If I trash the room, can they charge the damages to the card? Can a landlord do this if damages exceed the security deposit? Or instead of a security deposit?
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