Thread: It Passed!!!
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Old 02-03-2006, 04:30 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless
That yellow and black boat looks like the Summa Humma which was in a big front-page Union Leader article last summer. Equipped with three inboard-outboards, it is a 47' Fountain that goes 60mph at 3000prm running all three engines, and has a top speed of over 100mph. It was listed for sale last summer at Silver Sands for either $195 or $295,000., can't remember, and includes a good trailer with matching paint.

Here's a friendly suggestion. Don't sell it - convert it over into a salmon & lake trout fishing machine. For like $1500. total, if you shop smart, you can get a used 15hp Evinrude two-stroker -tiller handle xl shaft, a mounting bracket, a three gal gas tank and gas line, two 48" manual used down-riggers, a ten foot 2x8 for a downrigger holding bar, a new Lowrance fish-finder and a whole bunch more of new, not used, fishing stuff. Hey what-a-deal! I'm not just making this up.

Plus, by trolling along at 1.5mph, just imagine how much you'll save on gasoline and boat speeding violations, which will be linked to your car insurance rate. You might even like trolling so much that you start to get a lttle annoyed when some other gf-bl buzzes past at 70mph.
I doubt Mark is hurting for money and needs to sell it, I would not hold your breath for this boat to become a salmon hunter...My guess is that it will be circling Bear Island ominously all summer...
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