Thread: It Passed!!!
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Old 02-04-2006, 03:32 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by John A. Birdsall
Education is not necessarily the answer. We have many drivers on the highways that have drivers license's that had some form of education or other, their are speed limits, and then their are speed limits, and then their are the police and courts. It makes no mind they are gonna speed no matter what.

Boaters education has been around for years, I am almost 60 and when I was 14 I went thru a Coast Guard Boaters Education, and while some laws and rules are different from state to state and from Ocean to lake its not many, and as just shown by the NH legislature another law is on the book. I am not pointing a finger at any size boat, or power plant, but just on the one law that should make boating safe for everyone, that is the 150' rule. But just how many realize how close 150 is on the open water? How many obey that law? I know that from experience the larger the boat the more wake it will put out when not going at the speed it was designed for. Yes at 6mph they put out very little wake, but at say 18-20 mph those cigerette boats can put out a pretty good wake.

I have heard some say now they will have to get off the lake, I don't think that is fair, nor right. The lake is their for all to enjoy, but do so in a safe manner that others might enjoy it as well. Had I a say in this law I would have tried to make it so the go fast guys could do so in the broads, but not in the harbors or bays, leaving the majority of the lake for the what I call regular and normal speed of boats.
Well said from someone obviously familiar with the big lake .
Herein lies the rub .. The reps are not familiar with the lake , most have never been.
I could not believe the rubbish I was hearing at the 3 local meetings.
Heresay and lies have many scared of this problem on the lake that DOES NOT EXHIST. except for a few busy areas during summer weekends.
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