Thread: It Passed!!!
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Old 02-06-2006, 02:22 PM   #78
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Default's a big lake!

Self-enforcement is an interesting concept and most likely will be the actual case in my opinion. For every boat capable of going over 45mph, there are many more which cannot. After all, as everyone who knows anything knows, going 45mph in a boat is hardly a slow speed. It is, in fact, a very fast speed!

After the fatal, rear-end, night time collision which occurred in the first week of August 2002, the unknown-at-the-time Baja Outlaw, described as a white 32' performance boat with designer vinyl graphics on the hull exterior, did leave the scene of the fatal collision, supposedly because the driver was not aware that he had hit anything. Out of all the boats on the lake, that boat was located the next day inside a totally enclosed boat slip. Maybe, it's not too easy to get away, after all?

Some do, some don't, some repeat, some repent, some very very unfortunately get killed and some go to prison. It's a big lake out there.....and a 45-25mph speed limit would certainly help to make it safer plus help to lose the perception of it being an overly speedy lake which is bad for the wide-spread, local, tourist and hospitality driven business economy.
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