Originally Posted by Island Lover
I'm not sure you have thought this one out. Very few boats on the lake can go 100 mph. Most of them have a big name on the side and special paint jobs. How can this boat hide from the MP. The lake is only so big, only a few places where you can dock a boat like that. I would be very surprised if you see any boat chases. The MP has been stopping performance boats for years, there has never been a chase that I know of.
Anyway most people will obey the law because its the law. We don't have a lake full of criminals here! Sure some will go 5 or 10 mph over the limit, just like they do on rt93. But how often do you see a car going 120 mph on the highway. And most cars can actually go that fast. We don't do it because we respect the law.
For the most part HB162 will be self enforcing.
Where do I start! I'll just hit a few quick points.
Self enforcing on Lake Winnipesaukee? Rule compliance is at a high rate when a Marine Patrol is around and much lower when the MP are not in view. MP presence is more of a deterrent then the idea of self enforcing. When MP is around boaters become better and safer boaters.
Some vessels running at almost 1/2 that 100 mph speed have out run and evaded Marine Patrol in a chase. I have watched MP go after 3 seat Sea Doo or PWCs and Baja/Donzi GF style vessels that pull away from the MPs. The MPs seemed to be at wide open throttle. The GF boats were nothing special, around the mid 20 foot lengths I'd guess. The speeds are well within the realm of what some consider the "no ticket" operating speeds if we have the 45/25 limit.
Usually MP starts after these guys because of safe passage violations rather than excessive speed. Regardless, all types of vessels have out run and hide from MPs. I have followed and seen the MP finally give up. I continued expecting to find another MP intercepted and stopped the speeder but there was no other MP around the next island or in view. Too bad it is not easier to see bow numbers on a feeing vessel.
Let me go way out on a limb here Island Lover and guess that you are somewhat in favor of speed limits on Winnipesaukee. As I recall from one line from one of your profuse posts, you think 45 mph is a bit low and would have liked a faster day limit. I think that was you. Why not put some of your efforts toward that end. Fight for a reasonable speed limit. Not 130 or 100 mph but something more reasonable then 45mph.
I used to long for a nice quiet peacful Island to live on but today I have a different opinion about that
