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Old 04-06-2017, 08:54 PM   #134
Pine Island Guy
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Default weird but true...

Originally Posted by MikeF-NH View Post
The cams from pine island and bear seem to show no ice in the area but the bear cam pointing a sheps makes the entire area look iced in. Is that last cam updating or does anyone know if you can launch out of sheps and get to the open water between the islands?

For extra credit does anyone have updates on how Alton bay is looking or west Alton marina areas?
Hi Mike - all cams are in working order but it has been a very odd ice-out around Bear/Pine. It is still ice between Shep's and Bear, but definitely softening and with the pouring rain tonight it should be going quickly... The channel between Y-Landing and Pine is mostly open, and you could possibly scoot around the south side of Pine to open water on the north side of Bear...

As of last Sunday Alton Bay was still completely iced-over with melting around the shoreline/docks.

I have been doing my "melt dance", it's not pretty but it's working! -PIG
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