Originally Posted by DesertDweller
Dan, the Robalo R180's have a maximum horsepower rating of 150 and I have never seen one with less than a 115. Not surprised it struggled with a 90. You do bring up a couple of very valid points. First, dealers often try to rig boats with the minimum horsepower out there to keep the cost down. Second, always sea trial/test drive the boat to make sure it will work for you.
My mistake it was the 16' R-160 we test drove not the 18' and the max HP was 90. It was a dog and couldn't get out of its own way. We ended up buying an 18' just not a Robalo and funny the max horsepower on her new 18' Bayliner is 90 and it has no issue at all getting up and out of the water with a max speed of about 40 mph. While the Bayliner is lacking some of the quality and bling of the Robalo, It's no secret that Robalos are one of the heaviest boats out there and understandable that an 18' would need a 150 to get it to perform... their 16' could use a 150 also!