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Old 11-03-2017, 11:08 AM   #4
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Not sure if this is helpful but...

We were on Welch during the storm on Sunday. On Monday morning we walked the North shore line from North Ledges down to around Abare's and back along the power line. I didn't see any damaged houses along the stretch we walked. The only issue I saw along the power line was 1 small diameter tree leaning on the top power cable at pole #20 but it did not look damaged (there is a steel guy cable on top). I notified Eversource of this through the web page. There were some down trees in the woods but mostly already dead stuff that needed to be pushed over. I'm sure (unfortunately) the East side of the island took the brunt of the storm.

Oddly enough, I was able to get internet access (running my generator) which would indicate the phone cable on the poles is still intact and connected to the mainland. If any poles or cables were down I would have expected the phone lines to be dead as well.


Last edited by welch-time; 11-03-2017 at 01:17 PM.
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