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Old 11-04-2017, 05:52 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Outdoorsman View Post
I hope your brother realizes that just because a lineman is not actively engaged in restoring power does not mean that they are slacking off.

They are working pretty much 24/7 and get VERY LITTLE down time. VERY LITTLE. Those that come from other states do not get an 8 hour rest period.

They work their ASSES OFF. They get breaks and lunches just like you and I, but they do not work an 8-10 hour shift. They work 16-18+ shifts. They are not on a 5 day work week like most people. They work until the work is done or they are called to return to their home office. The work is dangerous and the weather is often time miserable. It takes a special type of person to endure such conditions to help those that depend on electricity.

So sorry that your brother had to leave his cabin and return to his main home in Massachusetts, with everyday basic necessities, because those that have been working 18+ hours did not meet his needs in the manner that he expected.


A big SHOUT OUT to the lineman from all over the NE that left their families to help restore power to those of us in NH

SORRY to have pissed in your Wheaties but I was just relaying what A CONTRACTOR FOR EVERSOURCE told my brother as they were conversing.
Cheer on!
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