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Old 02-07-2018, 01:57 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Isn't the walk in service window at the MP-HQ at the Glendale docks in Gilford staffed by a very competent Marine Patrol woman who knows all the ins and outs for registering your boat.

Believe you can show up without the old or new registration, but with just an id like a state drivers license or residence card and your payment and the MP will access your registration specifics via either your name and address, or by the bow registration numbers, or by the boat make and hull id number ..... and you walk out with the registration and two bow stickers.

Plus, it costs five dollars less than what you pay at the local town hall, or boat marina. And, there is no 50-50 split between the local town and the state, with all the fee, $5-bucks cheaper than paying your town, going to the State of New Hampshire ..... ayuh!

As you probably know, the State of NH is always broke, and needs thy money a lot more than your local town! This state only pays their 400-state reps just $50/year .... the lowest pay out of all 50-states .... which is why all the reps drive junkie old cars and have old 12' aluminum row boats for boats that don't require a registration as long as it has no motor!

When you's see someone out in the middle of the broads ..... rowing away in a little row boat ... that's always a state rep!
That’s where we go! Gives us a chance to have lunch at Lyon’s Den too! Bonus!
Dunno about the state rep in the broads though...if it were any of those lefty senators, we’d be sure to make a big wake and maybe “swamp” them...😮
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