Thread: The Dive?
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Old 05-14-2018, 01:00 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
If I was building it my biggest concern would be what happens to the boat if it is not a financial success. The height and beam would seem to make it difficult or impossible to move it off of the lake and where would you go with it. Even a move to the coast would be a major undertaking.

There are a limited number of places that it can dock on the lake too so finding a suitable slip for the season would seem difficult. You would have to assume they have that covered.

Winter storage? Looks a little big for a travel lift? Someone has to have figured all of these things out but it should be interesting..
If they are building it in West Alton, they are probably keeping it there, probably near where the construction barge sits. It doesn't have to come out of the water in the winter, in there it is very sheltered. They could leave it in and run a circulator or two around it.
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