Thread: The Dive?
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Old 07-31-2018, 07:02 AM   #339
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Originally Posted by Shreddy View Post
This is the problem though, we have people with no interest complaining because they're "sympathetic" to homeowners of which we don't even know if they're bothered by it. Again, this forum and society now has to have something to complain about. Why stir the pot if there is no vested interest or no hard complaints. Nobody can just be happy with this something new cool and exciting that most genuinely appreciate.
Why should everyone just be happy with it? How do you know it's "genuinely appreciated"? Did you take a survey of the people using this service or did you take a survey of everyone on the lake? Or do you just count the ya's and na's on the forum?
I guess we really won't know until it get's through the summer and see where it stands next season.
Anyways, this is what public forums are for. If you don't like other peoples opinions then you shouldn't visit them. There are always going to be people for and against.
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