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Old 08-24-2018, 06:12 PM   #10
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Default from the Union Leader today

From the Union Leader online:

ALTON — State Police Marine Patrol officials said operator error likely played a role in the death of a 35-year-old North Carolina man in a boating accident on Lake Winnipesaukee in Alton Friday morning.

The 911 call for assistance came in at 10:30 a.m.

William Rowan of Wilmington, N.C., had been a passenger in a 23-foot Cobalt powerboat that Edmond Macri, 74, of Simsbury, Conn., was driving.

Officials said Macri was leaving the dock at Little Mark Island with five adults and three children onboard when he made an abrupt turn that tossed Rowan into the water.

The boat then struck Rowan and after the victim was brought to shore, officials said he was pronounced dead.

The Alton Police and Fire Departments along with Fish and Game and state police all responded to the accident.

The incident remains under investigation and anyone who witnessed it is asked to contact state police Sgt. Dave Ouelette at 603-227-2111 or
Hopefully posters will remain respectful of the grief being experienced by these families. I cannot imagine their horror.

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