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Old 09-13-2018, 12:45 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by joey2665 View Post
SDS the primary HOA is 1k per year to take care of the common areas but you sub HOA fees vary by the size associate, so the Heights will be different from the Highlands, Bay Hills, Captains Walk, Daw, Colonial, Ferncroft, Golf Club, Gabels ect.......
Joey2665 is correct...there are two levels of association in SD. SDRA is the association that manages the common infrastructure (main roads, greenbelt, beach, gate etc...) The ~$1K is the SDRA fee. The community is divided into villages and single family homes. The villages maintain their common property...roads, pools (where applicable), beach (where applicable). In addition, some costs are included in the village fee and some are not. Some villages include trash pickup in their fee (such as Gables and Captains Walk), other do not. In addition, some are really condominium associations and units do not include property (such as Gables, Daw Village etc...). Captain's Walk is a group of homes with individual lots and common roads.

So, it is a bit complex...the advantage of a large association wrapped around smaller associations is scale and amenities. A large association can amortize costs across a broader group...SD and LB have volunteer boards and $1k (SDRA) is extremely reasonable on a comparable basis. A small association can pay attention to individual needs without having to deal with the broad population...ex painting, residing, trash, governance etc...

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