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Old 02-07-2019, 07:32 PM   #3
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Oh come on..... you guys have probably never-ever even been inside the DPW building. Do you know what is the difference between a building and a shed? Well, a shed is basically a storage building that's not designed for people, and the DPW building is a lot more like an old shed, than like a building.

The Meredith DPW does an outstanding job despite having basically a shed for their home, and they deserve to get a real building complete with windows, heat, quality design and usable people space inside. Things like locker rooms, rest rooms, a kitchen, offices, heat, lighting, utilities, design and use all add up to make it a quality DPW ..... which it already is ..... but they really deserve a new home building.

Like, who plows the roads and does everything else? A new Meredith DPW home building will be town money, well spent.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 02-10-2019 at 06:05 AM.
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