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Old 02-08-2019, 11:09 AM   #6
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Default They need a kitchen???

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Oh come ..... you guys have probably never-ever even been inside the DPW building. Do you know what is the difference between a building and a shed? Well, a shed is basically a storage building that's not designed for people, and the DPW building is a lot more like an old shed, than like a building.

The Meredith DPW does an outstanding job despite having basically a shed for their home, and they deserve to get a real building complete with windows, heat, quality design and usable people space inside. Things like locker rooms, rest rooms, a kitchen, offices, heat, lighting, utilities, design and use all add up to make it a quality DPW ..... which it already is ..... but they really deserve a new home building.

Like, who plows the roads and does everything else? A new Meredith DPW home building will be town money, well spent.
How many businesses offer their employees a kitchen?

Maybe Taylor's Family Restaurant would still be around if the Meredith DPW employees supported local eateries.

Silicon Valley has started outlawing employers from giving employees free gourmet lunches with the intent of supporting the local economy.

I don't think it's the Govt.'s responsibility to set eating requirements for employers/employees one-way-or-the-other.

However...Does this not escalate their "high" utility bill further at my expense? I pay my high taxes which I now know includes the cost of the DPW cooking lunch. I pay for my own utilities when I cook my meals.

I know, it doesn't amount to much, but a lot of "not amounting to much" amounts to a lot!

How many times has Meredith used that new expensive fire engine capable of reaching the top stories of high-rise buildings?
~~~~_/) ~~~
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