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Old 02-11-2019, 11:52 AM   #15
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Default You just needed to do a little research

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
So, what's the price ....... $248,395. .... almost a quarter-million dollars ...... according to a year old LaDaSun report ..... financed over five years .... the LAKE JAKE ..... Gilford's brand new 27' fire boat in the photo above with two white Honda's, a fiberglass design from Eastern Boats in Milford NH to replace its 40-year old fire boat .... the EMULSIFIER ..... or some unusual name like that ...... oopsie ...... make that the SNUFFER ...... going from the SNUFFER to the LAKE JAKE sort of sounds like it went from a nasal headache to an adult beverage ...... or something ..... the LAKE JAKE ..... centrally located at Glendale and part of the full time Gilford Fire Dept ..... so's that's probably a big upgrade ..... all things considered!

....beyond responding to emergency calls ...... is also very very good for towing 5 water skiers at same time ...... with a water cannon salute up front ...... in any weather!
FLL, you just needed to do a little research and the name of the new Gilford Fire Boat would be abundantly clear.

The term Jake is affectionate New England slang for a Firefighter. This word was first used as a reference to firemen in the early 20th century in the Greater Boston area, and it's origins are recognized as officially unknown by several authors.

Likewise, being called a good Jake was, and is, a high compliment to a firefighter.

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