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Old 02-11-2019, 01:35 PM   #17
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Yes, it's still winter, but WinniGas can still help to save you some hard earned boating dollars!

If you will you be attending the New England Boat show, use the code BOAT19 to received 15% off the entry tickets when purchased online.

And don't forget when you renew your 2019 BoatUS Towing or membership be sure to use group code GA85200B to save some money. This group code will save you $15 from your BoatU.S. membership dues and 10% from their Water Towing services!

Just passing on some savings if anyone wants to go to the boat show. I don't get anything out of this at all.
Don't listen to me, obviously I don't understand what I'm talking about!
Let's help each other save time and money:
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