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Old 02-15-2019, 08:55 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
That is too bad ..... so, how many MbPS, whatever that is, is needed to power up the YouTube TV?

Like, what ever happened to "We are the one for you New England, New England Telephone!" ..... it used to be so easy ..... you had one phone company, and tv with 3-4 channels, with a lot of old movies, and it all seemed to work pretty good ...... honest Walter Cronkite did the News ...... "and, that's that way it is, today", Friday, February 15, 2019! ...... and Walter 'Killer' Kowalski did the Saturday morning wrestling with his famous death claw hold ... between those two Walters ...... tv was the greatest!
The greatest? I don't think so. We had channels 4, 5, and 7 and then 38 and 56 came along, but you needed that loop antenna on the back of your TV to get them. If you had a 25 inch TV it was considered big. If you watch football games on a 25 inch TV now it feels like you are watching the game through a key hole.

In the 60's and 70's you had to get off the couch to change channels or adjust the volume! You can buy a 55 inch TV now for what I paid for a 19 inch TV in 1970 and that doesn't even take inflation into account. Real dollars. But, we didn't have monthly cable or internet bills then either.

I will take today's TV offerings any day. Large screens, incredible pictures, multiple channels to watch, and the TV's seem to get less expensive every month. The 65 inch TV I bought 4 years ago is already outdated by better technology and you can buy the new better one for $600 less than I paid.

But, without the internet, you had no way of knowing if when Walter Cronkite said "and that's the way it is" it was really how it was, or was it just how the media wanted you to think it was. Ahhh......progress!
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