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Old 03-13-2019, 06:51 AM   #122
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The Laconia Sun has an article with the Mayor's idea of someone needing the approval of neighbors before they can rent out their house.

The City's thought process fails to take into account the financial contribution of short term visitors. From shopping and dining to boat rentals there is a lot of money spent in the area. And, many of those visitors enjoy the area enough that they come back year after year and some even move here and buy a house.

I have a rental house on the lake and about 50% of the summer is taken every year by repeat visitors. I live next door and I notice how often they go shopping and come back with bags of groceries, clothing, or water toys for their kids. Many times they tell me about local restaurants they have found. Their shopping and spending helps keep local businesses going and local people working.

I have one neighbor who complains about everything, and it has nothing to do with renting or tenants. The people I bought that house from many years ago also had years of problems with the same neighbor and they never rented the house. I would hate to think that one person with a bad attitude could determine whether the renting could continue.

The city is making a big deal about isolated problems. We have noise regulations, parking regulations, and many other laws that help to enable people to live peacefully. If there are violations of current laws then address those violations. We don't need more rules and regulations and we don't need government increasing their reach into our lives.
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