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Old 03-15-2019, 11:04 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by garysanfran View Post
They can have a kitchen...Viking range, Sub-Zero fridge. I have no vote! Us Out-of-Towners will continue taking care of the locals.

In Meredith, I live on a non-town owned road...No snow removal. No pavement. No maintenance of any kind. No town sewer. No town water. No kids in school. No trash removal. Not a full-time resident. I have to pay for a library card. I go to the transfer station, give the guy my $2 fee and watch him put it in his pocket.

In San Francisco, I pay 1/3 of the property tax I pay in Meredith on a place worth 4 times more. And I just saw the street sweeper go by and later they'll pick-up my trash. Free library card! (I know we have a sales tax, income tax, etc. These are expenses within my control). Don't get me wrong. California is THE example of waste, fraud, nepotism, cronyism and Kamala Harris progressivism. Get rid of those winters and I'm in Meredith full-time. Yesterday I got an unintentional tan after I fell asleep on my deck.

If they allowed guns in SF, you could go to their DPW building and shoot rats. The unions here probably believe making one's own lunch is not part of the job description.
FYI, you can get 2 dump stickers for your vehicles at the town hall as long as you own a home in Meredith. It's 20 bucks and lasts for 2 years. It also gives you free access to the town boat launches.
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