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Old 03-17-2019, 05:04 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Descant View Post
There is a periodic purging of voters who have not voted, and new voters appear in growing numbers in most towns, not so much in northern cities. Regardless, if you have 3000 or 6000, 222 is a very low turnout. Probably no opposed elections on the ballot, or renewal of union contracts, etc that usually turn out bigger numbers.
Town Meeting, whether traditional or SB2, can pass whatever size warrant article they want including the town and school district operating budgets. If the question is for a bond, it is a ballot vote, must pass by a 2/3 majority (60% in SB2 towns). The ballot box must remain open for at least one hour. That allows time for one family member to vote and go home so the spouse can stop babysitting and go vote.

What I was wondering was if this was voted on at town meeting rather than during the day at their location. Turnout for town meeting tends to be much lower than when they vote all day long.
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