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Old 03-17-2019, 12:16 PM   #38
Buffalo Gal
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Default Is it just me?

I rarely post anything on this forum, I don’t like getting into controversial issues. But this topic has really struck a nerve with me. I’ve lived in Meredith for over 10 years. I had no idea that there was an election this past week. Normally, I like to think of myself as a well informed person. Every day I check the Town of Meredith website for meeting agendas and minutes (which by the way, are very slow to appear). I am a subscriber to and read the local newspaper the “Meredith News”. Speaking of which, it is a sorry excuse for a newspaper, with the spelling errors and obvious lack of a proof reader. Anyway, I was really surprised to learn that there was an election! If I had known about it, I would have gone down to the community center and voted. Not sure which way I would have voted on the DPW building, but I would have done my civic duty. I don’t want to appear paranoid but is it possible that this election was deliberately down played? While I’m appearing paranoid, I also wonder why the abandoned building that formerly held the hardware store and pizza shop on the corner of Rt. 25 and Rt. 3 is allowed to practically collapse in on itself? Isn’t it a public nuisance or a danger?
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