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Old 03-17-2019, 02:00 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Descant View Post
It appears Meredith has a traditional town meeting, i.e. elections on a ballot, vote all day (March 12) and the actual meeting was March 13. In traditional town meeting, warrant articles can be amended on the floor, so they can 't be printed in advance for all day voting. In the alternative (SB2), official ballot voting, there would be a deliberative session a month ahead of voting where warrant articles can be amended and then printed for voting in March. In many towns, it turns out that very few people attend the deliberative session and when they show up for all day voting, they are presented with articles determined by a small number of people. One way or another, the people who show up are the ones who influence the final product for voting.
Exactly and as I said above I thought Meredith is a tradition town meeting town rather than SB2. Which means this was voted on at the town meeting at night or on a Saturday, rather than during all day voting. Only a few people attend the traditional town meeting as well as the deliberative session. But I like having more people vote so I prefer the SB2. Even though the articles can be amended at the del. session, they aren't VOTED on at that time and more people turn out for day of actual voting. It's hard enough to get people to take an half hour to vote let alone attend a 3 or 4 hour meeting.
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