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Old 03-17-2019, 04:26 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by tis View Post
Exactly and as I said above I thought Meredith is a tradition town meeting town rather than SB2. Which means this was voted on at the town meeting at night or on a Saturday, rather than during all day voting. Only a few people attend the traditional town meeting as well as the deliberative session. But I like having more people vote so I prefer the SB2. Even though the articles can be amended at the del. session, they aren't VOTED on at that time and more people turn out for day of actual voting. It's hard enough to get people to take an half hour to vote let alone attend a 3 or 4 hour meeting.
At a town of 13,500 I lived in for most of my life (at least the part that has gone by so far) there was a Town Meeting requirement that a minimum number of people had to be present to have a quorum for voting.

There were many nights when we were a few voters short and people got on the phone encouraging other voters to come down to the meeting. Usually, within 20 minutes or so more people would show up and the meeting would begin. The number of voters needed for a quorum was a percentage of the number of people who voted at the last town election so it was a moving target.

It kept special interest groups from packing a lightly attended meeting with supporters to get a favorite article approved.
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