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Old 03-18-2019, 11:54 AM   #142
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Originally Posted by pault842 View Post
I have both rented my vacation home, in the past, and rented vacation homes in several different parts of the country over the years, that said if I was asked to vote on it at a town meeting, I'd vote it down for residential neighborhoods. Just my $.02.
There's another angle to this excellent discussion I would like to bring up.

I live all year round in a lakeside development. I have small children and I am as sensitive as anyone to neighbor quality.

I have never experienced an issue with short-term summer renters of my neighbors' properties. Maybe I've been lucky, maybe the $$ barrier helps with tenant quality.

On the other hand, rental of these properties for September-May (off season) tenancies has caused problems, some of them big problems, at least half the time. Maybe you get a teacher who is trying out the job and the area, but maybe you get small-time or not-so-small time drug operations or other noxious and potentially dangerous activities.
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