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Old 07-09-2019, 01:57 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
Thanks, Woodsy, very helpful. A couple of questions come to mind:

It sounds like the Dive does not deny they hit the rocks. I look forward to seeing the video as others have suggested.

Going one step further than FLL and Dave, not only is it hard to understand why vessel of any significant size would not have an anchor, I am surprised it is not the law. Perhaps spuds are a loophole?
I would be willing to bet that almost none of the large equipment barges on the lake have an anchor. They all use spuds and normally don't venture out whatsoever when its windy. They simply cannot be controlled properly in the wind no matter how big they are!

I had a barge at my island home last week and can confirm it had no anchor...

It's Always Sunny On Welch Island!!
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