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Old 10-30-2019, 08:08 AM   #1
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Default State/Town Owned Property (Visitor center used to be in Laconia)

I have to credit FLL (I know I know) with coming up with a decent idea but I wanted to push on it further.

Does anyone know at all what is going on with that property and is it state owned or town of Laconia owned?

With all the marinas closed off to public boat launching and even if you use them for repairs them charging a crazy amount to in/out, I am wondering what is going on with this property.

My hope, to credit FLL, is to make a public launch here. Except I would like to see it be a boat launch and not just a roof top launch.

Laconia is the only town on the lake that for some reason does not have a public boat launch, and access to the lake is either diverted to a marina that you hopefully do business with, or all the way down in Meredith or Ellacoya, Gendale if you can have a Gilford/NH Resident help you out. Biggest issue is the distance to have to travel to come back and especially if something is wrong with the boat and you have to take it out of the water, or any other host of issues people in the area have.

There is some parking there, it is off the main road, turning and backing would be very easy, it is away from main boating lanes, and there is a gradual drop shoreline there.

Who do we speak to about proposing such a thing?

Also are marinas even allowed to do customer only launching, I thought as part of their Marina status they are supposed to have a launch open to the public? or are they skating the law here by saying their customers are the public?
Capt. of the "No Worries"
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