Thread: Boat crash
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Old 11-14-2019, 11:13 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Taz View Post
Years ago I was in Wolfboro bay with my wife after dark. It was very dark out. We heard some one call out but could not see anything from where the voice was coming from. We slowly continued to move and finally discovered a small 20 bowrider with a husband and wife aboard. They had no power and no lights would work. The did not have a flashlight either (that would be key) We towed them back to the town docks and they were very appreciative. He was a doctor but not sure where. Thank god we were not going faster or up on plane. This was not too far from where you would slow down to approach the docks. I will try to remember to always have a flashlight with good batteries.
Yes a flashlight is a must at minimal...besides a flashlight I also carry a clip on set of battery nav lights similar to this...

I also have a suction mount battery white stern light.

I have had them for a few years and luckily so far I have not had to use them. I change the batteries every spring...

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