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Old 11-29-2019, 08:22 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by macbeth View Post
This is exactly what is happening to New Hampshire. Out-of-staters come in and want to change it to how it was where they just moved from. If you don't like where you came from why do you want to implement it in New Hampshire. Please leave New Hampshire alone and mind your own business and just live a peaceful life. You can't so NH and Laconia will continue to go down the drain.
"Industries and businesses that must operate in the marketplace of free choice know that they must change, they must adapt, they must accommodate to changes in public attitudes-or they will surely die." -- William Ruckelshaus

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most adaptable to change." --Charles Darwin

Whether you like it or not, change is inevitable. Commerce and local government alike must either adapt and welcome the change or fall behind. You can long for the way things used to be and remember them fondly, but there is nothing that can stop change. To fight change is futile and will only lead to frustration and spite. NH is constantly changing and always has been, and it's not just the out-of-staters leading the charge. They're just a cliche scapegoat for those who labor in vain to slow the inevitable.
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