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Old 01-26-2020, 11:04 AM   #5
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Default ..... sno-mo riding the rails?

Ok, so I drive down Scenic Rd in Weirs Beach all the time in my car, and can see from a short distance the snowmobile tracks in the snow, there, in between the steel railroad track that runs along the Winnipesaukee waterfront, as shown in the map above. The long red line trail in the map that skirts Paugus Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, Lake Waukewan , and Lake Winona in Laconia, Meredith, New Hampton and Center Harbor is a single railroad track and the two steel rails are almost always higher up than the snow surface which gets compressed down by snowmobile use.

The inner width between the steel rails is about 48-inches, and the outer width of snowmobile front steering runners or skis varies but it close to 44-inches wide.

While there are old snow-mo tracks visible from Scenic Rd between the RR rails, I have never actually seen a snowmobile drive down the railroad tracks, between the two rails, with just four inches or two inches/side of space between the steel RR tracks and the sno-mo ski runners.

Riding the rails with so little in-between clearance probably means driving very slowly so's you don't get caught up on the inside of the RR tracks which extend up above the snow surface?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 01-26-2020 at 12:06 PM.
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