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Old 02-10-2020, 04:27 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by rattlesnake dn60 View Post
It’s true the dealer suggested a few options and put me in touch with a rep who told me they can build the boat anyway they want, the coast guard safety division and the insurance company’s will decide. When Malibu says he met all my demands he didn’t tell you it was going to cost me $20,000, that’s right, a $10,000 hit on the trade with 100hrs on it and $10,000 out of pocket extra for the replacement boat, same options same color. In the dealer defense they did fix the docking light that didn’t work, half the dash lights that didn’t work, the head compartment light that didn’t and they replaced the shifter because the emergency tether cord kept popping out while under way, that’s what I call quality control! This is Cobalt’s design flaw and they should make it right, either give me a replacement boat or buy it back!
If you put 100hrs on the boat you can't be inconvenienced that much. That's a fair amount of time on the water for a boat you just purchased recently. A boat depreciates after the first splash. I don't know what you paid for the boat, but dare say that the $10k hit is probably under 10% of what you paid for the boat based on selling prices I see on Boat trader from other dealers. My point being if you are only being dinged 10% or less trading it back in that seems more than fair. As far as the new one costing more in general, new model years usually go up in list price, not down. A 5-10% increase per year is not uncommon.

Many years ago I bought a new Monterey 298SS for $98k from Sheps. The same model (now called the 328SS) years later is $250k+!

As far as the lights being out and needing repair, there is usually punch list items that pop up when buying a new boat. I would point the finger at the dealer for not verifying all this stuff worked at delivery. They should be going through the boat before handing it off.

I don't want to sound rude, but you are dreaming if you think they are going to just hand you a new boat or your money back after you put 100 hours on it, and have banged it off a few docks.
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