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Old 02-28-2020, 09:57 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Winilyme View Post
My wife and I are 'cat' people. We've had cats for all of the 34 years we've been married (save a two-year cat-less break that we sorely needed). So, we know a thing or two about innocent kitties and if there's one thing we're sure of it's that none of them are. They're always up to something. It is, of course, why they need nine lives. It's also why we love them.

Here's an example of an innocent 'kitty'...until they're not. Steve...seeing this made me think of your Mimzy stories.
They are strange creatures indeed! We have a female cat named Ethel... she is shy as hell and dislikes everything on earth, but will try to sit on my lap whenever I am home. Every now and then, while being petted and purring, she'll bite my hand with the speed and ferocity of a cobra. I yell and toss her off my lap, and every time my wife says " why are you yelling...that's a " sign of affection""....thank God she likes me!! ;-)
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