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Old 03-18-2020, 04:23 PM   #18
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Default "...that some could take seriously and decide not to come.."

I’m flattered at your opinion of my influence. If I wrote “All is well, come on up” would you assume it would be a great summer? It’s also a little contradictory to say I am going to influence people not to come, and in the next sentence claim it is way to early to tell anything.

You also imply that I do not care about people’s livelihood because I bring up a difficult topic. I could turn around and say your, and others, somewhat cavalier attitude towards the seriousness of this issue is far more damaging to the prospects of local businesses, as it does nothing more than extend the inevitable, and lengthen recovery time.

The entire stock market gains, 3 years of a bull market, of this administration are gone over this issue, but you think it’s too soon to tell if it will impact tourism in the big summer months?
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