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Old 03-19-2020, 01:43 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Biggd View Post
I was very happy when my IRA was going up but I also expected it to come back down to reality, just not this way.
I've been through quite a few recessions so another one comes as no surprise. The surprise is what has caused it.
I was a small business owner for over 35 years so I know what the struggles are. I started with nothing, I had no family business and no college education. The only way I knew to get through recessions was to roll up my sleeves and work harder. Any successful business owner knows that the 40 hour work week is for employees only.
I'm registered as an Independent so I don't vote party lines. I vote for who I have the most respect for at the time.
You really expected it to go down? Come on. Given the history of the market over the past 50 years that would be a very unsubstantiated point of view. I lived through the same recessions plus had to deal with 911 just 2 miles from my busiest concrete plant. I have seen more than my share of downturns mortgaged my home and business to the hilt to keep my employees going and worked 14 hour days six days a week for 30 years and maintained a CPA tax practice. You are preaching to the choir
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