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Old 03-20-2020, 04:30 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
I'm with you on it being an opinion.

But it is an opinion shared by virtually every medical and political leader in the entire world. This would include Donald Trump, and what I would assume is your favorite TV source, Fox News. Here's an overview of how their opinions have evolved over the past few weeks. You can skip the editorial if you'd like to avoid bias, but the video clips are all facts (i.e. it's a fact that certain people said certain things at certain times).

I look forward to your opinion on their more recent statements
Unfortunately, our president had no choice. The media and social media has whipped us up into such a frenzy that politically he could not take more metered actions to avoid destroying what otherwise was a booming economy. I'm not sure he really believes it. However, he has to politically.

I am not impressed by the so-called experts, who for the most part are government employees who have a vested interest in making a mountain out of a molehill. I've made the comparison before, but there are so-called experts who say that manmade climate change is an existential threat.

I've asked this many times with absolutely no response. Where was all of the hand waving and hysteria for the much worse H1N1 virus? Don't tell me the Chinese coronavirus is worse, the comparative numbers do not bear it out. Where are the Forum threads demanding that we destroy our economy to save lives.

As stated before by many others, I think we've exhausted this topic. I have my opinion, everyone else has theirs. I am as resolute if not more so than before just as others are with their views. The one good thing from this is that the President's approval rating is skyrocketing, which given the press against him, is a pretty good result. Even political rivals are praising him. I think history will treat him well on this.
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