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Old 03-21-2020, 09:42 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by TheRoBoat View Post
On April 1st, unfortunately, NH will most likely be in the beginning phase of their shelter in place order.

How long will it last? No idea - we have been told 3 weeks here, but that may be conservative. It will all depend on the availability of testing.

And three weeks would not mean the lifting of all restrictions. Schools will most likely not be in session this year. They may keep restaurants take out only for months, if not longer. We just don't know.

Any existing drugs that will help fight the virus will be exceedingly helpful, but they will be useful in the future.

The sooner NH closes down, the sooner they can open back up.

I would welcome the opinion of anyone who is in a shelter in place zone, to see if they agree with me or not.
My family is on the edges of sheltering in place, and I agree with you. Earlier this week we persuaded our son and his girlfriend to leave Brooklyn and go to our place in Tuftonboro. Now watching the slow motion track wreck in NYC health care, we are deeply relieved. They are self quarantined for another 10 days or so.

We are complying with what would be a shelter in place order in Mass if (when?) one comes in. It's not so bad if you have enough space at home and remember you can still go out--you just can't get near other people. We will join our son sometime in April or May.

Data and analyses in today's NY Times suggests that things will be much tighter 3 weeks from now, and that movement will be restricted for more than 3 weeks from when it starts
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