Originally Posted by Major
You are right you cannot compare numbers for H1N1 and the Chinese coronavirus until the Chinese coronavirus has run its course. Here are the FACTS to date:
Estimated cases worldwide -- 700,000,000 to 1,400,000,000
Deaths worldwide -- 151,700 to 575,400
Estimated cases U.S. -- 1,000,000
Deaths U.S. -- 7,070 to 13,930
Chinese coronavirus
Estimated cases worldwide -- 287,125
Deaths worldwide -- 11,890
Estimated cases U.S. -- 19,823
Deaths U.S. -- 276
These numbers clearly support the notion that perhaps the Chinese coronavirus is not as severe as the H1N1 virus. Perhaps our response was excessive and an overreaction.
Anyway, I ran into a small business owner who had to lay off her entire staff and is looking for loans to keep her business afloat. The toll on small businesses is astronomical. I don't understand why it is such heresy to consider, perhaps, there may have been a better, more metered approach.
Well, I won’t compare numbers until the Coronavirus has run its course. You have to remember that testing in many countries is still limited, so the estimates are likely very low.
My heart breaks for all the small businesses and people who are seriously financially affected by this. My niece thinks student loans should be forgiven at this point. Mind you, she’s still getting paid while working remotely. If I were up north, I’d smack her in her self-absorbed face.
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