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Old 03-21-2020, 06:03 PM   #152
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Default A different beast

Originally Posted by Major View Post
You are right you cannot compare numbers for H1N1 and the coronavirus until the coronavirus has run its course. Here are the FACTS to date:

Estimated cases worldwide -- 287,125
Deaths worldwide -- 11,890
Estimated cases U.S. -- 19,823
Deaths U.S. -- 276
The Major’s post got me interested in doing some research. The CDC has a great archive article on the N1H1 flu.

There are significant differences in the H1N1 pandemic of 2009 and the Covid-19 cases of 2020.

With N1H1, several effective anti-viral drugs that were quickly identified, greatly reducing the fear and need to shut down the economy. About a third of people over 60 were immune, having been exposed to similar viruses along the way. Finally, the government response was quick. Masks and anti-viral drugs were shipping from stockpiles within 10 days of the virus identification. There was more confidence and understanding of how to deal with it, so less panic. Within 5 months, there was a vaccine and by the end of the year, most of the people at greatest risk were protected.

This Covid-19 epidemic is still out of control. No antiviral drugs approved for treatment, shortage of protective gear and testing kits and no known groups with immunity. At this point, it could just vanish, or maybe the scientific community will some up with some solutions, but it seems likely that things will get worse for at least the next month or so. Let’s hope we can reboot the economy soon.

In just eight hours after the Major’s post of Covid-19 global numbers, things are different. Instead of 287,125 global cases, there are 303,816. 16,691 more, or 5.8% more. Instead of 11,890 global deaths, there are 12,996. 1106, or 9% more. In eight hours.
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