Originally Posted by CowTimes
And, by the way, Major, if you are so convinced of the inapplicability of the Governor’s order to you and your disregard for the consensus of the ENTIRE public health community, step out from behind your screen name. Tell us your name and your law firm. If you have the courage of your convictions, I am sure your clients would agree with your decisions and leadership here.
Calm down Cow! Geez, what are you going to do? Dox me and call my clients? Lt Gov Dan Patrick (Texas) just issued a statement that summarizes my position on this exactly. Yes we may shorten the curve or whatever metaphor is being bantered about but at what cost? Our children’s and grandchildren’s future?
By the way most of my work is for Raytheon, Schneider Electric and Illinois Tool Works. I highly doubt they would care one bit what you think. Believe it or not they love me!
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